THE SOCIETY is operating under the name of "The Belmont Theatre Company" (hereinafter called the Society).
1. THE OBJECT of the Society shall be to study and perform all types of dramatic art.
Shall consist of persons willing to promote the object of the Society.
The Society may also admit members known as Patrons, but they shall not have the power to vote. At all times the membership shall be at the discretion of and under the control of the Committee. Only fully paid up members shall be entitled to perform on stage. All members shall be required to pay an annual subscription on the first day of April to the Society. The amount of the subscriptions to be determined by the Committee and approved by a General or Annual General Meeting. Upon joining the Society all members shall be given a copy of the Constitution.
The Belmont Theatre Company membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March. Members and Patron fees are payable annually in advance and are due on or before the commencement of the Membership year (1st April). Where annual fees for the year remain unpaid after 30th April and the Treasurer has received no contact in response to any requests for payment, the Membership or Patronage will be deemed to have lapsed and the Member or Patron will need to apply to re-join the group at which point a full subscription for the membership year will become payable but with no backdating of benefits.
Once in every calendar year within 4 months of the end of the accounting year, the Committee shall convene an Annual General Meeting at which all paid up full members shall be entitled to vote. The purpose of such meeting shall be to:
a. Receive Annual reports from the Chairman and Secretary.
b. Consider and if approved, adopt the audited Accounts and Statement of Accounts.
c. Elect a President or Presidents of the Society.
d. Receive recommendations from outgoing Committee.
e. Elect a Committee.
f. Appoint an Honorary Auditor.
g. Make recommendations to the new Committee.
h. Consider any other business.
May be convened at any time by the Committee. May be convened by the Secretary within fourteen days of receipt of a written request signed by at least one third of the paid up full members of the Society.
Not less than ten days written notice prior to the date of the meeting shall be given to members for a General or Annual General Meeting unless stated to the contrary in any provision of the Constitution. This notice shall contain the Agenda for the Meeting.
The quorum at a General or Annual General Meeting shall be one third of the paid up full membership of the Society.
The quorum at a Committee meeting shall be two thirds of the elected Committee.
No business shall be transacted at any Meeting unless a quorum is present when the meeting proceeds to business.
If within thirty minutes from the time appointed for a meeting a quorum is not present the meeting if convened at the request of members shall be dissolved. In any other case the meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same time and place or in case of difficulty to such place as the Committee shall determine. If at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within thirty minutes from the appointed time for the meeting the members present shall form a quorum. If a vote be called for at a General or Annual General Meeting the majority required shall be a simple majority unless stated to the contrary in any other provision of this Constitution.
The Society shall be managed by a Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting of not less than five nor more than twelve members. The Committee shall be comprised of (at maximum) a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity/Marketing Manager, Membership Manager, Production Manager and general Committee members. All appointments to be considered honorary positions. If nobody is willing to stand as Chairman and the position remains vacant, the Committee will have to conduct its meetings with the officers taking turns to chair proceedings. An ex-officio Chairman or Committee member may be voted in as President and be allowed to attend meetings (though not eligible to vote) to observe what goes on, and act as a figurehead for the Society.
a. The Committee may meet as often as it thinks fit but not less than once every two calendar months.
b. When vacancies occur (however caused) the Committee shall have power to fill those vacancies.
c. The Committee shall have power to co-opt as ex-officio members such persons as in its opinion are able to render special services.
d. The Committee may at its discretion form sub-Committees. Any sub-Committee so formed shall be chaired by an elected member of the main Committee. The sub-Committee shall have the power to co-opt its membership and to make recommendations to the main Committee.
e. The Committee shall make recommendations to the Annual General Meeting for a person or persons to be elected as President or Presidents of the Society for the ensuing year.
f. Only elected members of the Committee shall be entitled to vote. The Chairman shall have a casting vote in event of a tied ballot.
g. The President or Presidents elected at the Annual General Meeting shall be ex-officio members of the Committee and shall not be entitled to vote.
h. Where there is no society Chairman in attendance at the meeting, the Committee members attending will agree which of their number will be meeting Chairman for that specific meeting.
The choice of Director and Producer and play shall be made by the Committee. Plays shall be cast strictly by audition by the Director and/or Producer. Members wishing to be on the production team should notify the Producer or Director. Any decisions on cast and production team so made shall be subject to ratification by the Committee.
All monies raised on behalf of the Society shall be applied to further the object of the Society. The accounting period will run from the first of April to the thirty first of March each year. The Treasurer shall keep proper records of the finances and submit accounts yearly for audit and subsequent presentation to the next Annual General Meeting.
If the Committee decides by simple majority at any time that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Society, it shall call a General Meeting giving twenty-one days’ notice. If such decision is confirmed by simple majority of the Society, any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts or liabilities shall be distributed to a Registered Charity or Charities to be decided on by calling an EGM.
All members should make every effort to attend meetings but in case of unavoidable absence a member may instruct in writing another person who in the case of a General or Annual General Meeting need not be a member of the Society, to vote for the member should a vote be called for at the Meeting. No person may have proxy votes for more than one member at any one Meeting. Such written instruction must be available for inspection at the Meeting.
Any proposal to alter the Constitution will require the approval of two thirds of the members voting at a General or Annual General Meeting , the notice of the meeting containing the full wording of the alteration having been given in accordance with paragraph six hereof.
JULY 2019
THE SOCIETY is operating under the name of "The Belmont Theatre Company" (hereinafter called the Society).
1. THE OBJECT of the Society shall be to study and perform all types of dramatic art.
Shall consist of persons willing to promote the object of the Society.
The Society may also admit members known as Patrons, but they shall not have the power to vote. At all times the membership shall be at the discretion of and under the control of the Committee. Only fully paid up members shall be entitled to perform on stage. All members shall be required to pay an annual subscription on the first day of April to the Society. The amount of the subscriptions to be determined by the Committee and approved by a General or Annual General Meeting. Upon joining the Society all members shall be given a copy of the Constitution.
The Belmont Theatre Company membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March. Members and Patron fees are payable annually in advance and are due on or before the commencement of the Membership year (1st April). Where annual fees for the year remain unpaid after 30th April and the Treasurer has received no contact in response to any requests for payment, the Membership or Patronage will be deemed to have lapsed and the Member or Patron will need to apply to re-join the group at which point a full subscription for the membership year will become payable but with no backdating of benefits.
Once in every calendar year within 4 months of the end of the accounting year, the Committee shall convene an Annual General Meeting at which all paid up full members shall be entitled to vote. The purpose of such meeting shall be to:
a. Receive Annual reports from the Chairman and Secretary.
b. Consider and if approved, adopt the audited Accounts and Statement of Accounts.
c. Elect a President or Presidents of the Society.
d. Receive recommendations from outgoing Committee.
e. Elect a Committee.
f. Appoint an Honorary Auditor.
g. Make recommendations to the new Committee.
h. Consider any other business.
May be convened at any time by the Committee. May be convened by the Secretary within fourteen days of receipt of a written request signed by at least one third of the paid up full members of the Society.
Not less than ten days written notice prior to the date of the meeting shall be given to members for a General or Annual General Meeting unless stated to the contrary in any provision of the Constitution. This notice shall contain the Agenda for the Meeting.
The quorum at a General or Annual General Meeting shall be one third of the paid up full membership of the Society.
The quorum at a Committee meeting shall be two thirds of the elected Committee.
No business shall be transacted at any Meeting unless a quorum is present when the meeting proceeds to business.
If within thirty minutes from the time appointed for a meeting a quorum is not present the meeting if convened at the request of members shall be dissolved. In any other case the meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same time and place or in case of difficulty to such place as the Committee shall determine. If at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within thirty minutes from the appointed time for the meeting the members present shall form a quorum. If a vote be called for at a General or Annual General Meeting the majority required shall be a simple majority unless stated to the contrary in any other provision of this Constitution.
The Society shall be managed by a Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting of not less than five nor more than twelve members. The Committee shall be comprised of (at maximum) a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity/Marketing Manager, Membership Manager, Production Manager and general Committee members. All appointments to be considered honorary positions. If nobody is willing to stand as Chairman and the position remains vacant, the Committee will have to conduct its meetings with the officers taking turns to chair proceedings. An ex-officio Chairman or Committee member may be voted in as President and be allowed to attend meetings (though not eligible to vote) to observe what goes on, and act as a figurehead for the Society.
a. The Committee may meet as often as it thinks fit but not less than once every two calendar months.
b. When vacancies occur (however caused) the Committee shall have power to fill those vacancies.
c. The Committee shall have power to co-opt as ex-officio members such persons as in its opinion are able to render special services.
d. The Committee may at its discretion form sub-Committees. Any sub-Committee so formed shall be chaired by an elected member of the main Committee. The sub-Committee shall have the power to co-opt its membership and to make recommendations to the main Committee.
e. The Committee shall make recommendations to the Annual General Meeting for a person or persons to be elected as President or Presidents of the Society for the ensuing year.
f. Only elected members of the Committee shall be entitled to vote. The Chairman shall have a casting vote in event of a tied ballot.
g. The President or Presidents elected at the Annual General Meeting shall be ex-officio members of the Committee and shall not be entitled to vote.
h. Where there is no society Chairman in attendance at the meeting, the Committee members attending will agree which of their number will be meeting Chairman for that specific meeting.
The choice of Director and Producer and play shall be made by the Committee. Plays shall be cast strictly by audition by the Director and/or Producer. Members wishing to be on the production team should notify the Producer or Director. Any decisions on cast and production team so made shall be subject to ratification by the Committee.
All monies raised on behalf of the Society shall be applied to further the object of the Society. The accounting period will run from the first of April to the thirty first of March each year. The Treasurer shall keep proper records of the finances and submit accounts yearly for audit and subsequent presentation to the next Annual General Meeting.
If the Committee decides by simple majority at any time that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Society, it shall call a General Meeting giving twenty-one days’ notice. If such decision is confirmed by simple majority of the Society, any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts or liabilities shall be distributed to a Registered Charity or Charities to be decided on by calling an EGM.
All members should make every effort to attend meetings but in case of unavoidable absence a member may instruct in writing another person who in the case of a General or Annual General Meeting need not be a member of the Society, to vote for the member should a vote be called for at the Meeting. No person may have proxy votes for more than one member at any one Meeting. Such written instruction must be available for inspection at the Meeting.
Any proposal to alter the Constitution will require the approval of two thirds of the members voting at a General or Annual General Meeting , the notice of the meeting containing the full wording of the alteration having been given in accordance with paragraph six hereof.
JULY 2019