Our February 2023 production will be "Head Over Heels" by Gail Young
Director - Laurence Conway
This comedy drama about "silver splitters" is written by the author of "Bothered and Bewildered" which we performed to much acclaim.
The cast for this production was as follows:
Jill Daniele Robson
Andy Desmond Gaynor
Danny Krzystof Szczepanski
Sally Dawn Harvey
Carol Judi Campion
Judy Gillian Weinberg
Tina Noreen Hyland
Doctor, Waiter & Game Show Host,
Pilot, Postman Michael Collins
Ms Hyde (Solicitor) Helen Sherwood
Glamorous Assistant, Mediator Judi Campion
Interested in auditioning for a Belmont Theatre production or want to learn more about joining the group? Call 07917 324179 or email [email protected]